Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hulu Selangor Buy-Election - The Real Winner is....

UMNO could boast their not-so-victorious win till the cows come home. Well, why should we care much when they won on personal attacks, broken promises, blatant vote buying, vulgarity and brutality?

UMNO could say they are good but what good could they be when they lie all the times? That’s when you have abandoned projects, delayed payments, absence of basic utilities and utter violation of human rights! They could pay the delayed compensation now but the damage has been done on those settlers who have passed away. I read somewhere that they were so poor they had to eat just rice with salt. My heart goes out to these people who have suffered enough. Perhaps, due to such long sufferings, those who are still alive would have to agree to accept RM50K compensation from UMNO because a hungry man is not a free man (Adlai E. Stevenson). This made me thinking out loud – why on earth FELDA wants to invest globally when their people in Malaysia are not properly looked after? Such corrupt capitalist!

UMNO won because they ‘won’ over SPR, PDRM, RELA, PEKIDA and its warlords. UMNO won their own game.

But the real winner is the People of Hulu Selangor – the people who came out in drove despite the intimidation. These are the people who not need much info from internet to know how far we have been wronged by UMNO.

These are the people who, like Spyros, Persues’ father in “Clash of the Titans”, say, “One day, someone g0t to say enough is enough!

Thank you UMNO, your dirty tactics make this journey we are taking much easier.

Thank you people of Hulu Selangor for showing us how desperate UMNO people could be, compromising our security by allying themselves with Zionists, holding ransom funds to SJKC in Hulu Selangor, bribing their way through to their 6-feet under.

Thank you to everyone out there who have, direct (with your efforts) or indirect (with your prayers and kind thoughts) helped this treacherous buy-election a meaningful one for all of us.

Jalan Tetap Jalan
Lawan Tetap Lawan
Sepakat Sesama Kawan
Ambil Berkat Anugerah Tuhan


Starmandala said...

The real winner is... ME! If it hadn't been for this by-election, we might never have met. And that's an unbearable thought!

Fi-sha said...

How true, Antares. I think it's all written in the stars that one day we would cross each other's path :)

I'm glad we did..