Monday, April 27, 2009

Wise Words from Dr Realist

I stumbled upon this as I read Newsweek here.

“Most people got it wrong because whenever we are in an irrational, exuberant bubble, people fail to think correctly” – Dr. Nouriel Roubini.

Yes, that’s his response to Newsweek on what makes him different from other economists. Well, hearing this from THE MAN who prophesied about our current global financial crisis around 1.5 years before it happened, now i know why: -

1. Our Ibupertiwi will remains the same though the Gomen still deems it is befitting to have 28 ministers and too many deputies - almost the same underperforming faces like the previous 'kitchen' cabinet (Read: Have they come up with anything truly beneficial and workable?);

2. Any organisation that holds too many meetings aren't productive enough despite having so many parties to attend a meeting when there is only one who does the talking and dictates everything;

3. Artists produced via reality TV show will never go far in the industry;

4. A crush will never go beyond that - simply because you are plain irrationally over-excited over someone. wonder i felt dumb for the past 2 weeks.

p.s. Dr Realist has never married as i found out in Wikipedia. Hmm, perhaps men can only function well (Read: Beyond Spec) when they don't have women in their lives. Someone up there (you know who) should stop fooling around with women if he wants to remain in the power house.

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