Saturday, July 4, 2009

NS Needs Scrapping

I have nothing more to say after reading "NS Plan A Spooking Failure", here.

Since inception in 2004, its objectives have been totally wiped out by 17 deaths, countless food poisonings, viral outbreaks, physical and emotional scars (from SLE to rape) and the unnecessary hassles, times and money spent by the families and us, the tax payers, to keep it up and running. Not forgetting, while these camps taught these kids about racial harmony and unity, the you-know-who practises otherwise - they incite racial hatred on daily basis!

A few kakaks in my office told me that the foods they brought for their kids were 'confiscated', no telco line is provided (these kids resorted to burying their phones somewhere near their dorms/tents so they could call up their parents if something happened) and of course, those with 'fibre optic cables' could escape this 'ordeal'.

For RM2.37 Billion spent as of June 2008, I'd rather have our funds to be used to teach each youth in this country a skill that could be of greater benefit - during their 5-formative secondary school years. Depending on their interest, they could learn about automotive engineering, holticulture, musics, performing arts, cooking, languages, martial arts and so much more.

Besides, when we have NS, are we saying that parents in this country are failure that they can't even teach their children about living in harmony, do their bed, lending their hands to those in needs, volunteer towards good cause that these kids need to be shipped to a military camp to undo what have been imprinted in their brains for the past 17 years? OMG, that's so sad..

And for goodness sake, just use a little portion of that fund to pay off the school and exam fees for many more children who have been denied the opportunity to go to school, simply because they are poor. Make education free for them. For that, I need all you Yang Berkhidmats to walk around your constituencies to identify them. I cannot depend entirely on "Bersamamu" to highlight thousands of them to appear on TV3! Shishhhh!

While we are grappling with this insiduous plan, children in The Little Red Dot are benefitting from its education system, which propels this city state into the first place in Science and second in Maths, amongst 49 countries, and it is ranked first for the quality of its education system by the Global Competitiveness Report 2007–2008. Read more here - which explains why some hundreds/ thousands malaysian kids wake up at 3 am to catch their bus to school across the Causeway.

While my Little Women of PG thought that malaysian kids are better at debating, with reference to "The Arena", they have to agree with me that Science and Maths in SG are just so cool. Just look at their Science Centre and A*STAR.


zewt said...

do u know who has got the uniform constracts???? sigh...

Fi-sha said...

Dear Zewt

Of course mereka dan keluarga mereka right? Dangggggg...

modernlifeisrubbish said...

If i have any children, it would be 'over-my-dead body' would they be able to 'force' me to sent them to this so-called NS camp. They're literally a dead camp!

Imagine the pain those parents must have felt when their beloved children died or were rape in those camps. Is this how they treat our future generation?

My apology for the crude language.

Fi-sha said...

Hi Joshua

No apology required as it is a potential death camp and they thought by compensating the family with insurance proceeds will make things right when human lives are priceless!

I wonder if they ever know what unconditional love really means...