Sunday, January 3, 2010

Failure of CVLB

As usual, i catch a glimpse of this MSM my Ayah bought whenever i cook because i would cover relevant spaces of the kitchen so the cleaning process afterward would be easier. Yes, everything involves right strategies, utensils and techniques.

"Persatuan Pengusaha Bas Ekspres Melayu Semenanjung Malaysia (Pembawa) meminta orang ramai tidak menuding jari kepada pemandu dan pengusaha bas ekoran kemalangan bas ekspres yang meragut 10 nyawa Sabtu lalu. Yang Dipertuanya, Tajuddin Yunus berkata, adalah tidak adil untuk menyalahkan pemandu dan pengusaha bas yang terbabit kerana mereka juga tidak mahu kejadian ngeri seperti itu terjadi. "Saya sendiri tidak tahu siapa yang harus dipersalahkan kerana tragedi ini berlaku di luar jangkaan kita. "Jadi tidak perlulah kita asyik memikirkan siapa yang harus dipersalahkan. Lebih baik kita berdoa agar kejadian seperti ini tidak berulang lagi," katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini. Beliau mengulas tindakan beberapa pihak yang menyalahkan pemandu serta pengusaha bas yang terbabit dalam kemalangan itu".

Damn. I simply cannot accept such illogical reasoning!

How could we not blame the bus driver for the tragedy when the driver told the police that he dozed off on the wheels?

Why he dozed off? Well, he has to make certain number of trips every day because his basic salary is too low, as low as RM500. He didn't get enough rest. He probably hasn't been home for a couple of days.

How come his salary is so low? So, we have to blame the bus owner for busy making profit at the price of not giving enough humane treatment to the drivers.

And of course, the real culprit, as concurred by Pak Busu too, is CVLB. Its failure to ensure welfare of the drivers and anyone working in the transportation industry is well taken care of. Its failure to ensure that all drivers are properly licensed. Its failure to enforce its power accordingly.

Then, why do we have this CVLB anyway?


p.s. my baby brother is in the thick of this industry..i'll tell more in my "Baby Brother Rules" soon.


walla said...

Even Sherlock Holmes couldn't have done better. What a logical mind.

nightcaller said...


Kan Ghani Patail dah kata : Pengurusan atasan tidak terlibat dan bersalah...yang bersalah hanyalah mereka yang berpendapatan rendah (walaupun ianya dikhaskan untuk kes kehilangan enjin jet).

Pokok pangkalnya, yang bersalah hanyalah kuli bawahan...yang lain semuanya OK...dan ditanggung beres. So, your younger brother is in which category? I bet he is in Ghani Patail's "safe zone"...

On the sidenote, I am looking forward on the possibility that lower deck seats getting hefty discounts so that I can travel more often...:) especially during by-elections!