Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Forces To Be Reckoned With

Suspension of the above forces to be reckoned with does not make me sad. Everything happens for good reasons and their suspension just shows how insecured BN government is. This suspension further aggravates the existence of BN in near future, now the snap poll is just around the corner.

An injustice somewhere is an injustice everywhere, BN.

Meanwhile, I call upon my fellow brothers and sisters to do what Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events".

May the forces be with us, all!


Lee said...

Hi Fi-Sha, well spoken!
And I sure like Anwar Ibrahim. I have met him personally long ago, he is a people's man.
Smart, street savvy, intelligent, very good foresight and his very good vision of a Malaysia for all Malaysians.

Have a pleasant weekend, best regards, Lee.

zorro said...

Succinct and appropriately impactful.