Kring Kring Kring
Me : "Hello"
Pelawak : "Hello. Apa Khabar?"
Me : "Maaf, siapa ni?"
Pelawak : "Kawan lama awak, 12 tahun dulu"
Me : "Wow. Lamanya. Tapi saya tak cam siapa awak"
Pelawak : "Ala, kawan yang awak pernah tolak"
Me : "Err, bila saya main bola or futsal dengan awak?"
Pelawak : "Ni kawan yang awak tolak hati dia la"
Me :"@#$%^&&" (Read: Shit!!!!) (Dalam hati)
Pelawak : "Tak ingat lagi ke? Ni xxxxhis namexxxx la"
Me : "@#$$%%^%^^" (Read: I'm in deep shit!!!!!!!) (Dalam hati lagi) "Oh, it's you. Hahaha sorry, saya dah lama delete data dalam CPU saya. How did you get my back anyway?"
Pelawak : "Kesian saya. No. awak saya dapat dari reliable sources. 6 tahun saya cari awak sampai dah kawin lagi and dah dapat baby lagi. So, awak masih membujang ke? Saya dah xxxxxToo Much Info (semua benda dia cite)xxxxxxxx"
Me : "Good for you, alhamdulillah"
Pelawak : "Boleh tak kita jumpa for the last time?"
Me : "Err, kenapa ya?"
Pelawak ; "Eh, awak ni anti social ke?"
Me : "Hahaha ya, saya memang anti-social"
Pelawak : "Dekat dekat office awak je. Just for a short while, please. How about lunch? Lunch sekejap je kan?"
Me : "Actually, lunch pun saya jarang jarang keluar"
Pelawak : "Tak kan tak boleh kot? Ajak la kawan you but kawan yang reliable la. And I boleh suruh driver I pergi jauh-jauh"
Me; "I'm so sorry. I really can't"
Pelawak : "It's OK. Think about it and when you want to see me, you text me or miss call me OK?"
Me : "Thanks for your call" (Read: No thanks for your call)
Pelawak : "BTW, next week I buat Open House so I nak you datang OK?"
Me : "Insya Allah"
Pelawak : "So ingat, kalau you nak jumpa you text or miss call me OK?
Me : "Insya Allah"
Tut Tut Tut
p.s. I wasn't sure if I want to laugh or cry after that call but this is definitely not the best time to be reminded of all those characters, who forever think I'm a sucker. Eleanor Roosevelt once said that "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent", hence, the reason why I considered the call as "Lawak Minggu Ini".
Yep! True! Be brave!
What an awkward situation to be in.
Wah, old flame. Hehe.
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
I just revived my blog.
The one no one reads.
Hehehe. Take care sis.
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