Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My kind of PM


Dear Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan

While the western world continues to harshly criticise you for storming out of the Gaza session with the Zionist Regime President, ShimonPeres in Davos last week, I am impressed with your courage to stand up against the silent world leaders for the massacre in Gaza.

People may think you are being over emotional about Gaza because you, acting voluntarily as a peace mediator for the Zionist Regime and Palestine, failed to seal the peace process. I have to agree with you that the moderator's biased treatment towards you (by not giving you the floor to speak) and the senile Peres pointing his fingers at you while raising his voice during the discussion are sure signs of disrespect to your country and your people in particular and generally, as a sign that they don't give a damn to any Muslim leaders.

Even Mr. Ban Ki-Moon thinks the moderator was unfair. With this kind of response, hopefully UN will provide relevant supports for you to spearhead this mammoth mission for justice in Gaza soon.

I sincerely hope you will remain optimistic and strong to pull Palestine out of its endless misery. May Allah enlightens other muslim leaders to assist you - in whatever avenues they can.

How I wish my beloved country has a PM like you, Sir - instead of being a disgrace, he should uphold the dignity of his country and people.

Dear Sir, may Allah bless you and the good people of Turkey, always.

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